Inconsistent state: No. of charctstc combinations <-> no. of LC anchors

Message type: E = Error

Message class: /SAPAPO/TSM - Messages from Time Series Manager

Message number: 241

Message text: Inconsistent state: No. of charctstc combinations <-> no. of LC anchors


What causes this issue?

The sequence for creating time series in LiveCache is:
Characteristic value combinations are created which in turn create
planning object in the system
The combination of version, planning area, and planning object is
initialized, creating time series in LiveCache. This combination is so
to speak the LiveCache anchor.
This error occurs if
New characteristic value combinatons have been created for the master
palnning object structure that is assigned to the planning area, but
the time series objects were not created.

System Response

Processing cannot continue.

How to fix this error?

There are two methods of creating time series objects for individual
characteristic value combinations:
Re-initialize the version without deleting the time series objects
Execute the report program /SAPAPO/TS_LCM_PLOB_DELTA_SYNC.

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

In general SAP recommend that when you generate new characteristic
value combinations, you set the <ZK>Create time series objects</>
indicator. This prevents this error from occurring.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.