Error &1: &2 &3
Message type: E = Error
Message class: STRALAN_SPAM - Messages for RSTLAN_IMPORT_OCS
Message number: 175
Message text: Error &1: &2 &3
What causes this issue?
An import error has occurred.
Error number: &V1&
Error description: &V2&
Other data: &V3&
System Response
The system stops the import action.
How to fix this error?
This text describes which error has occurred, together with its possible
cause. Remove the cause of the error and continue with the import.
The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.
Phase: Copy CAR/SAPCAR archive10: Could not read the file &V3&. Does this file exist? Do you have the
correct authorization at the file system level?
11: Could not create the temporary file &V3&. Do you have the correct
authorization at the file system level?
12: Write error in file &V3&. Is there enough space in this directory?
Phase: Unpack CAR/SAPCAR archive
21, 26: Could not find program CAR or SAPCAR.
22, 27: Could not find CAR/SAPCAR archive &V3&.
23, 28: Error when unpacking archive &V3&. The contents of this archive
probably have errors.
24: Error when determining contents of archive &V3&. The archive
probably has errors.
26: Error when unpacking archive &V3&. The archive probably has errors.
25, 30: Unknown errors.
Phase: Disassemble PAT file
40: PAT file &V3& was unreadable, or its structure has an incorrect
format. This file was created by unpacking a CAR archive.
41: PAT file &V3& does not contain the expected transport request.
42: No cofiles could be generated from the data file. This indicates
problems in the transport configuration.
43, 44: Error when extracting the data file from the PAT file. Do Do you
have the correct authorization at the file system level? Is there enough
space in the transport directory?
45, 46, 47: Error when reading and processing the PAT file.
47, 48: Unknown error.
Phase: Main import
61, 71: Non-supported tp command. Do you have the correct version of tp
or transaction SPAM?
62, 72: Parameter missing when calling tp. Contact the SAP Hotline.
63, 73: The TMS transport configuration has not been set up.
64, 74: No authorization to call tp.
65, 75: Could not call tp. Execute the program RSTPTEST to analyze the
transport tools.
66, 67, 76, 77: Unknown error.
Procedure for System Administrators
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.