This document cannot be deleted

Message type: E = Error

Message class: VL -

Message number: 066

Message text: This document cannot be deleted

What causes this issue?

The document cannot be deleted because none of the document items are
Possible causes include:
Document items have already been invoiced
Document items have already been picked
Document items have already been packed
Document items cannot be deleted because of the processing status in
the <DS:GLOS.3528EA14E8AA5570E10000009B38F983>WMS</>
Document items cannot be deleted because of the
<GL:goods_movement>goods movement status</>
Document items cannot be deleted because the document is from
<DS:GLOS.3526BEAEAFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>decentralized WMS</>

How to fix this error?

The system cancels the deletion process.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.