Error in Customizing of shipping deadlines for shipment type &
Message type: E = Error
Message class: VW - Shipment Processing Output
Message number: 532
Message text: Error in Customizing of shipping deadlines for shipment type &
What causes this issue?
There is an error in Customizing of the shipment dates for the delivery
type &V1&. -t is possible that the current delivery type &V1& is not
assigned to a schedule segment template.
System Response
The call is cancelled for the function 'Schedule'.
How to fix this error?
Inform your systems administrator.
Procedure for System Administrators
Check in Customizing of the <DS:SIMG.SIMG_CFMENUOLSD0VTKT>Assign event
group to delivery type</>. The simplest case is that the current
delivery type is not assigned to a schedule segment template. Other
Customizing settings can be made under 'Logistics Execution ->Transfer
->Basics' in unit <DS:chap.SIMG_CFMENUOLSDVERST>Shipping deadlines</>.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.