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  5. SAP IS-Auto Make to Order Repetitive Manufacturing Solution

SAP IS-Auto Make to Order Repetitive Manufacturing Solution

This course explains the benefits of SAP's IS Automotive Make-to-Order (MTO)  repetitive manufacturing solution. In this course, we will be looking at transactions found in the advanced planning menu. Specifically, we'll be looking at Model Mix Planning in sequencing, which we'll use to come up with an optimized production schedule. We will be looking at the rapid Planning Matrix, which we use to quickly explode the bomb to determine the required components and required activities to produce our configurable materials. And then report point backflush, which we can use to post the consumption of the materials and the activities that go into building our configurable product.  


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SAP IS-Auto Make to Order Repetitive Manufacturing Solution

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What's Included?

  • Language : English
  • Level : Intermediate
  • Duration : 2.5 Hrs
  • Type : Instructor-led
  • Releases : ECC 6.0, S/4 HANA
  • Category : Logistics
  • Audience : All SAP professionals, Consultants, Developers, End users, Executives and Managers, IT/Business analysts, Project Managers, Project team members

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