How do I get started as an Individual Student?

Michael Management
Michael Management
Updated 10 month ago


Are you ready to start SAP training?
The steps below will walk you through how to create an account, search for, and enroll in courses. 


1. Sign up for an account by clicking on “Sign Up” in the top right-hand corner of the MMC homepage.

2. Check your inbox for an email from us with the subject line, “Welcome to Michael Management”. Click “Activate My Account” to complete the verification process and be automatically logged in.

activate account


3. Begin browsing the Library for courses you would like to take. You can browse for single courses, or Learning Paths where we have complete paths laid out for the most common SAP roles & job functions.

4. If you need to take just one course, you can purchase it by itself. If you need to take multiple courses, consider purchasing an Unlimited Annual Training Subscription. You can find price information here:


If you have any questions, contact us or visit our live chat which is available from 8:30 AM EST to 5:30 PM EST (in the U.S.)

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to Contact us

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