My company started a corporate training trial. How do I join?

Michael Management
Michael Management
Updated 3 year ago


Is your company participating in a corporate training trial and invited you to join?
The steps below will walk you through activating your account, searching for, and enrolling in courses.


1. Check your inbox for a welcome email from us with the subject line “Welcome to Michael Management”. Click “Activate My Account” to complete the verification process and be automatically logged into your training account.

activate account


2. Begin browsing the Library for courses you would like to take. You can browse single courses or Learning Paths, where we have complete paths laid out for the most common SAP roles & job functions. 

browse courses

3. Once you have found a course you would like to enroll in, click on the orange “Enroll” button. In the section below the Enroll button, you can see which system the course is based on, the type of course, and more.
After enrolling in a course, you can begin immediately or find it later under “My Courses”.

enroll in course


If you have any questions, contact us or visit our live chat which is available from 8:30 AM EST to 5:30 PM EST (in the U.S.)



If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to Contact us

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