There are changes to a deleted entry for object ID &

Message type: E = Error

Message class: 88 - REA Processing

Message number: 843

Message text: There are changes to a deleted entry for object ID &

What causes this issue?

All changes in a BOM object are saved in the change document tables
under the same object ID. For example, changes in different
alternatives are all saved under the same object ID.

If the selected change document only applies for alternative 02, which
however has been deleted in the meantime, no change can be displayed
under the selectable or existing alternatives that belong to the
selected change document. It is also possible that, for example, a BOM
item was inserted and later deleted.
Such special cases are rare but happen more often depending on how old
the change document is with regard to the time of selection.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.