No.of pack.materials in deliv.item &2 &3 less than split qty &1. * &4
Message type: E = Error
Message class: LEDSP - System Messages - Subsequent Delivery Split
Message number: 024
Message text: No.of pack.materials in deliv.item &2 &3 less than split qty &1. * &4
What causes this issue?
The number of packaging materials available, which is found in a
generated packaging material item in the original delivery, is less than
the number of related handling units that were split. For this reason,
delivery items with the corresponding quantities cannot be created for
all handling units that are to be split.
System Response
If the system message is controlled by message type 'E', the split is
not possible. Otherwise, the delivery quantity of the generated delivery
item, which represents the number of packaging materials available, is
reduced until quantity of 0 remains in the original delivery.
How to fix this error?
Change the message type in Customizing.
Procedure for System Administrators
This system message is <DS:SIMG.SIMG_CFMENUOLSDOVM1>controllable</>.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.