&1-&2: An error occurred when checking phrase items for critical status

Message type: E = Error

Message class: /SEHS/PH_CM_DATA - EHS: Phrase Data (Phrase Header, Phrase Item, Phrase Ref.)

Message number: 004

Message text: &1-&2: An error occurred when checking phrase items for critical status

What causes this issue?

An error occurred when the system was checking whether a phrase has
<DS:GLOS.53A6E2F98619D311AE620060B03C9BBE>phrase items</> with a
critical status.
Note for translation: &1 = phrase library, &2 = phrase key

System Response

The system was unable to perform the check correctly.

How to fix this error?

Check whether the phrase item data for the phrase is inconsistent.
For example, the phrase item may have a status that has now been
deleted in Customizing for <LS>EH&S Services</> under
<DS:SIMG./SEHS/PH_015>Specify Phrase Statuses</>.
Also check whether the table /SEHS/PHC_068
(EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Phrase Item Status)
is active in the system.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.