Drawn condition records missing for purchasing document &, item &

Message type: E = Error

Message class: MN - Message class for subsequent settlement (Purchasing)

Message number: 357

Message text: Drawn condition records missing for purchasing document &, item &

What causes this issue?

For the requested function involving the condition record with the
internal number &V3&, the system needs the condition records set up for
purchasing document &V1&, item &V2&, for price determination purposes.
The system has noted in a database table that purchasing document no.
&V1&, item &V2&, is relevant to "subsequent settlement" accounting for
condition record &V3& of arrangement &V4&. However, no data record was
found for price determination for purchasing document &V1&, item &V2&.
There are two main possible reasons why the data record is missing:

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

the data for purchasing document &V1&, item &V2&, has already been
deleted from the system
hardware fault or software error

System Response

The invoice receipt for purchasing document &V1&, item &V2&, will not
be taken into account in the function (detailed statement,
recompilation of statistics, etc.). The data created is thus incomplete
or faulty.

How to fix this error?

For correct business volume data, the data for purchasing document V1&,
item &V2& must be available in the system
If necessary, contact your system administrator, who will arrange for
the data record to be restored if this is possible (via the data
protection/backup system).

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.